Myanmar Day 8: Taunggyi & Kakku Pagodas

The morning light in the room at Paradise Inle Hotel

This morning, we are setting off to visit the Kakku Pagodas. Kakku is about 33 miles (53km) and a from Taunggyi, the fifth largest city in Myanmar. As usual, we went to the hotel reception the day before and requested to arrange a the day trip by bus. The ride to from Inle to Taunggyi takes 3 hours by car or bus. Taunggyi means "huge mountain" and is the capital of Shan State and has a cool climate at 1,436 meters above sea level.

We visit the Aye Thar Yar Vineyard on the way to Taunggyi.

We arrive at our destination, the Kakku Pagodas. It is a cluster of over 2,400 stupas with origins dating back from the 16th century.

When you arrange with the hotel for a trip to Taunggyi, you will automatically be assigned a tour guide. Our tour guide here is a tourism undergraduate from Taunggyi University. You can see she wears an orange cloth around her head: this is traditional and is worn to symbolise the dragon. Pa-oh people believe that they are the descendent of dragon where their mother was a female dragon and their father was a wizard.

The wizard father and dragon mother

Take a walk between the ancient ruins

Monks praying by the dead Buddha: one of the few in the world that reflects the Buddha´s death.


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